School Fees
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Fees are inclusive of all books, materials, resources as well as compulsory trips and residentials.
EARLY YEARS | Foundation / Nursery | 4,600.00 |
Reception | 5,500.00 | |
INFANTS | Year 1 & 2 | 6,600.00 |
JUNIORS | Year 3 & 4 | 8,700.00 |
Year 5 & 6 | 10,200.00 | |
PREP | Year 7 & 8 | 11,500.00 |
ADMISSION FEES | Registration Fee (Nursery/Reception/Year 1) (non-refundable) | 1,000.00 |
Registration Fee (Year 2 to Year 8) (non-refundable) | 3,000.00 | |
Membership Per Family (non-refundable)
When a Family joins the school they become a member of The St Christopher’s School Association. |
500.00 | |
Administration Fee (non-refundable) | 300.00 | |
Refundable Deposit A Term’s Deposit (equivalent to the tuition fee) is required and is refundable upon the school being given the required one term’s notice of withdrawal, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited. All Deposit paid before August 2017 have been depreciated 20% per annum and those paid after August 2017 will receive the full amount |
Discounts | A discount of 4% (subject to change) is awarded to parents/companies who pay all Tuition Fees for the whole year.
A discount of 25% (subject to change) is awarded to parents who have more than 2 children in the school. Discount applies to the Tuition fees only for each of the additional children. |
Tuition Fees | Parents are required to settle their payment on the due date of the invoice. There is a 5% surcharge for late payment.
Parents are requested to pay a full term’s Tuition Fee irrespective of the length of time the child will spend in school during one term. However, any child admitted after the half-term break will be charged a half term’s fee. |
Unpaid Fees | If fees remain unpaid by the end of a term, the child may not be allowed to continue at the school. | |
Withdrawal | Parents are required to give one term’s notice of withdrawal, prior to the date of departure (holidays are not included). Membership will cease, when the child or children of a parent or the legal guardian depart from the school. | |
Settling In Period | Every new child, will undergo a four week settling in period. This time enables the school to ensure that it is able to meet the needs of the child, and for the parents to be satisfied that they have made the right choice. In consultation with the parent, the school will then confirm, defer or reject a child’s admission.
Once the child’s placement is confirmed, which can be decided at any time during the settling in period, parents will be presented with all the relevant fees. |